Thursday, March 24, 2011

I have noticed a trend...

It seems that, for whatever reason... I turn into a real biz-natch the day before and the day of chemotherapy.  I'm in a bad mood, everyone around me is an idiot, and my eyes get sore from rolling them after every dumb statement I hear (which is most of them).  I can see and feel myself turning into a total raging wild-a-beast, but it is SO hard to maintain a pleasant outlook and refrain from saying all the nasty comments that stream into my mind. 

It doesn't help that I am completely unmotivated to get anything done, so, as I survey my room and house in general, the clutter of it all makes me even more annoyed.  Now, not only and I in a pissy mood, but seeing the clutter around me makes me feel frustrated, plus I have no motivation to fix it, and that lack of desire makes it even more worse! 

I SEE all the stuff going on, but my body does nothing with it... leaving me annoyed and annoyed at being annoyed. 

Annoying, huh!

1 comment:

  1. Christine, It is okay to be bitchy when you are not feeling well. Chemo sucks! You are super brave to have the great outlook you have most of the time. I love you!
