Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pathology results are in!

Official Pathology Report...

Tumor #1 in breast (the one I felt)
Synoptic type: Breast carcinoma invasive
Histologic type: Ductal
Histologic Grade: Grade 3
Tumor Size: 3.0 x 2.0 x 1.5 cm
Margins: Clear (yay!)
Lymph Nodes: Negative (yay!)

Tumor#2 in breast (the pre-cancerous cells I did not feel)
Synoptic type: Breast carcinoma in situ
Histologic type: Ductal
Histologic Grade: Nuclear Grade 3
Tumor Size: 1.4 x 0.5 cm - flat
Margins: Clear (yay!)
Lymph Nodes: Negative (yay!)

Lymph Nodes (left axillary, sentinal node biopsy)
No evidence of tumor (super yay!)

Permission granted to remove clear bandages covering wounds.
Permission granted to wear underwire bras (if I so desire).
Permission granted to drive (as long as I am not taking pain medicine).
Permission granted to rest as often as desired (yes!)

Permission denied to perform moderate to heavy lifting (handling of t.v. remote control OK'd)
Permission denied to perform moderate to heavy lifting (no vacuuming, dusting or cleaning of any kind - at least that's how I interpret that one)
Permission denied to perform rigorous exercise (ha ha, like that would have happened anyway)

Besides two minor meltdowns last weekend, thanks to a wonderful family and a super supportive roommate, all else is well.  I slept almost all day Saturday thanks to a new Rx for Flexerall (a muscle relaxant), and actually got all of my Health Ed. grading done on Sunday.

Monday was my first day back at school.  I had my Health Ed class in the morning, a break, lunch, then one P.E. class.  It was a pretty mellow day, but I was pooped by the time I finished with my doctor's appointment at 3:30.  I went home and collapsed on the couch.  Sampson kept me company and made sure I didn't fall off the couch - what a great guy!

Tuesday (today) is proving to be significantly more difficult for me.  Despite getting a full 10 hours of sleep, I feel like I'm on "half-power."  I don't know if I'm groggy because I've been able to sleep whenever and wherever I've wanted to over the past two weeks (despite the surgery), or if the grogginess IS due to the surgery.  I think I'll take a nap during lunch and see.

Looking forward to...
my 4:30 Oncology appointment tomorrow with Dr Song,
hanging out in my super clean house,
having Kitty, the dog, back at my house to keep me warm, and
sleeping sleeping, sleeping the afternoon and night away!


  1. So happy to see all those negatives!!! Great news!

  2. Flexeril will make you groggy 8 -10 hours later (which is why I only take it during emergency, almost migraine headache stage...) I've been thinking of thirty things you can do in the next three months so you won't be board. 25 of them are helping me get my life in order. ") Hope your week is going by quickly!
