Monday, July 18, 2011


Evidently my boobs weighed nothing.  I weighed myself last Sunday and weighed myself again this morning and I weigh exactly the same.  That's a bummer.   Oh well.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Tomorrow is the big day...

Well, big boob fans, tomorrow we say goodbye to two of our favorite girls.  They have entertained and brought pleasure to many over the years, but it is time for them to go.  No matter how pretty some things are, when they do evil, they must be punished.  I saw a t-shirt online that says, "YES, they're fake!  My real one's tried to kill me!"  While I doubt I'll ever don such an obvious - I had breast cancer and now have fake boobs - message across my new chest, that pretty much tells the story of my adventure that begins / continues tomorrow at 5:30 a.m.

You know how, in the movie The Mummy, the inscription on the magic book says, "Death is Only the Beginning," or something like that?  In my situation,  my inscription has become... "Chemo is only the beginning."  I thought it would all be well and good once May 6th had come and gone, but now I'm preparing for part 2.  I won't even go so far as to say that this is the final part of my BC process, cuz I don't want to jinx it, but I REALLY, really hope that this is it.

Anyhow, I'm off to my last supper...  Dad's burgundy beef stew (yeah baby!) and to finish watching the Giants game.  The surgery will last about 6 hours, so I'll take any good thoughts and prayers all day tomorrow.  I'm not picky, any time of day you want to throw one (or more) my way, I'd appreciate it.

I'll be at my parents' house for the rest of the week, but will have my laptop and phone with me.  Let me know if there's anything fun going on.  I hear that some people are ready to go out for easy activities a few days after surgery... and I plan on healing very, very quickly so I can get on with my summer.  I won't be able to drive or lift stuff for at least a month, so if you are a fan with a car and the ability / desire to feed me peeled grapes, let me know so I can pencil you in!

By this time next year...  I will be traveling through Europe, SCUBA diving in Hawaii, hiking in Mc Kinnleyville with my brother, sister-in-law, and niece, catching a movie with friends, or hanging out at my house with Kitty and Sam.  I will have lovely, wonderful, perky, non-cancerous boobs, and this will all be a distant memory.

By this time six months from now... I will be thinking about how lucky I am to have made it to my cousin's house for Christmas eve dinner.  Everyone will be telling me how much they missed me last year because I was recovering from surgery #1.  I will have my permanent implants in and be able to sleep on my side instead of my back.  I will have celebrated New Year's Eve appropriately - by dressing up, having some champagne, and getting my bootie shaking.  I will be looking forward to my family vacation over winter break in Kona and wondering what SCUBA diving will be like with my new boobs.

By this time three months from now... I will be preparing for Halloween.  Yes I will be one of those crazies who dresses up on a Monday for the big day.  Who knows, maybe I'll be planning for a fun pre-Halloween Saturday night in San Francisco...  I will be just one month past turning forty and grateful for having been able to live such a magnificent life with such caring and loyal friends.

By this time two months from now... I will be almost forty.  I'm planning on celebrating on 9/10/11, and YES, that's a Saturday!  I don't know what we are actually going to do or where we'll go, but it will be a super fun celebration.  I will be eight weeks out of surgery.  I will have started getting my tissue expanders filled with saline to gradually stretch my chest to an appropriate size.  I will be uncomfortable, but well on my way to being healed.  My surgery incisions will be almost healed and I will be able to raise my arms above my head and feed myself.  I will be able to feed myself, sleep through the night and cuddle up with Kitty and Sampson in bed. 

By this time one month from now...  I will be receiving my first expander fill to stretch out my chest.  I will still be weak and need assistance with a LOT of things.  I'll still be limited to lifting things no heavier than a plastic cup, fork/spoon, and a paper plate.  I might still be staying at my mom and dad's house, but I'll most likely be back at my house with Kitty and Sam.  My mom will be doing my laundry and trying to hang up my pajama bottoms, and my dad will be making me yummy meals to keep me healthy.  I will be feeling an overwhelming feeling of gratitude towards my friends and family for keeping my spirits up.  I will have seen tons of movies and watched a LOT of T.V. and be well rested and optimistic about the next few weeks and the start of a new school year.

By this time two weeks from now, my drains will be long gone and I will be up and about, doing my rehab exercises, and eating nutritious foods to speed my healing.

By this time two - three days from now, I will be "home" and in my parents' care.  I will be thinking positive thoughts.  I will probably be in pain, but I will be focused on how things will be two weeks, two months, six months, and one year from now.

Now if I could only find my ipod charger...